I knew they would be beautiful, these handcrafted and exquisitely designed art deco style earrings, however, nothing prepared me for how they would make me feel when I put them on.
Something extraordinary occurred! I felt tingles from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet!
And I was like oh my God this is so, so different. Smiling to myself, I took photos so that clients could see the proportions of this piece on a person.
The more time I spent wearing these beautiful earrings, the more I began noticing that I was simply bubbling over with joy and happiness.
They were filling me up with more and more energy, and the tiredness that I had felt before I put them on had just evaporated.
And I chuckled to myself and thought 'Gosh I just sold them! Bummer!'
With every piece of jewellery I try on, there is something that I do that may be a bit different from most people. I lower all my barriers and allow the energy of the jewellery to contribute to my body.
While I do so, each piece tells me a unique story and gives me further information and awareness about jewellery, history and living. These beautiful art deco style earrings reminded me that I could have this in my life too. So before I ship them, I'll wear them once in a while to allow them to fill my body with energy and ask for more of this to show up in my world.
This magical experience made me wonder what else jewellery can contribute to us in ways that we may never have conceived before.
The way these earings had given me this sense of joy and made my body pulse with energy and aliveness that I had never experienced before piqued my curiosity. What do gems and precious metals actually contribute to us that we never have acknowledged?